you're listening to a podcast from joettecalabrese.comwhere nationally certified american homeopath, public speaker, and author joette calabreseshares her passion for helping families stay healthy through homeopathy and nutrient-densenutrition. hello joette, how are you?i’d love to learn about how long i should use a homeopathic remedy before i try a differentone. i'm assuming there's a difference between chronic and acute conditions so let’s talkabout acute conditions first and then move on to chronic conditions. i’d like to mention that given the depthof this subject, that we’ll have the written blog or show notes for more detailed information,so that you may study this further.
i get asked a lot of questions that demonstratebeginners’ and even those with more experience, there’s confusion about what kinds of resultsto expect when they begin relying on homeopathic methods. people want to know how long theyought to continue with a particular remedy, how many times to administer it, how to tellif they have chosen the correct remedy or protocol and what kinds of obstacles mightbe preventing results. sometimes people make the mistake of not sticking with a protocollong enough, other times the mistake is sticking with a protocol too long. i’d like to layout some guidelines to help you have a clearer idea of what to lets begin with the difference between acute illness and chronic. acute illness issomething that is generally shortlived on
its own. for example, a bee sting, a sorethroat, otitis media, (ear infections), etc. usually there’s a great show of vitality,such as pain, fever, exhaustion, swellings, etc.when treating an acute problem we should expect to see results within minutes, hours or days,depending on the type of malady we’re addressing. so for example, with nausea from say foodpoinsoning or an ear infection we would hope to see results within minutes or hours. witha cough or sprained ankle or urinary tract infection it’s more reasonable to expectresults within hours or days. it would obviously be silly to expect months of treatment toclear up an acute problem, since in the normal course of events acute problems will clearup on their own within that time frame, with
or without homeopathy.the goal of homeopathy in the case of acute issues is threefold: to alleviate the distressof symptoms, to aid the body at regaining health more quickly than it often can on itsown, and to avoid the negative repercussions of drugs and other suppressive treatments. what if there is only a small improvement?should i continue the remedy or change to another? now when i use the term “resultsâ€, whati mean is a movement toward improvement. so for example with a headache, one might verywell achieve a perfect result within minutes – headache totally gone and life is backto normal. on the other hand, one might find
that after two doses of a remedy over thecourse of 30 minutes the headache is still present, but it has become more is no longer throbbing so intensely, the pain is still there but one can get back tosome normal activity. this is an indication that the remedy is working, and you’d continuewith the remedy. or let’s take an acute rash as an example,maybe an outbreak of contact dermatitis from washing dishes with a harsh detergent. youknow, dsomething that you don’t’ experience dialy because you don’t use such prodcuts.“results†in a case like this often means that after a few minutes or hours the rashis still visible, but the itching has become much less intense. in this case i would continuewith the protocol until the rash was fully
healed, but perhaps reduce the frequency.but let’s say on the other hand, that one is suffering from a migraine and one is takingone of my favorite banerji protocols, picricum acid 200 mixed with belladonna 3 every 3 hours.what if three hours go by and there is no noticeable improvement? how many doses shouldone take before moving on to a different remedy? how many doses ought i use? generally, the number is about 4 doses. remember,this is considered an acute condition at the moment. that means that if by the 4th doseno improvement is seen, the remedy ought to be abandoned and replaced with another. ifhowever, wellness is seen after any of the doses, the use of the remedy ought to be halted.why? because the remedy has acted and the
work is done.if improvement is realized, even a small amount, don’t abandon the remedy choice. continuewith a 5th and 6th and even more doses until the symptoms are completely, as improvement ensues, the space between each episode might be better placed approximatelyevery 6 hours or so. other words, we use the remedies when needed. as the symptoms return,the gentle stimulus is used to move things fast should i expect results from a homeopathic remedy for an acute condition? and as always, we look to cure, not suppress.this is the colossal appeal of homeopathy. because regardless of the length it takesto resolve the condition, in the end we have
genuine health instead of covered up symptomsthat often return with renewed vigor. the vigor is in the person, not the isn’t that what we would hope all medicine would deliver?in the next installment of this series i’ll address chronic issues and what i call obstaclesto cure – the impediments that may be blocking efficacy, even though our choice of remediesis correct. what about chronic conditions? how long shouldi continue the remedy? how do you recommend i spot the improvementsand know that the remedy is working with a remedy taken over 8 weeks or more? are there things that could hinder the remedyfrom working as quickly as possible?
when should i give up on a protocol and try something else?thank you so much for all the information that you share through your blog, this podcast,courses, and more. do you have some final words of encouragement for our listener learningabout this exciting world of homeopathy? theres power in words. theres’ power tothe word “can’tâ€. it can’t be done, syas modern medicine. you can’t cure strepthorat without antibiotics. you can never cure allergies. “there no way†, saysthe doctor.. don’t fall for that conard. this kind of thiking holds you and keeps youfrom moving forward or even trying. it subjects you to forfeiture yourself to drugs. my messageis that you can cure your family of what appears to be incallcitrant conditions. i’m notsaying that every illness can be cured. of
course not! but far too many can be addressedwith homeopathy and other methods that are not approached because the thinking is after all, whos job is it to take care ofourselves and others anyway? does the job belong to the doctor, the government? someoneelse? i say , no, no and no! this method o f thinking helps you plot outillness and gives you the tools as to how to approach it.once you know how to put these pieces of the puzzle together, it presents in a tidy fashionand works admirably. this way of thinking will keep you from feeling asthough illness
is an implacable foe. instead, when presentedwith illness you’ll approach it nimbly. so now go home and cure your family self. thank you for listening to this podcast withjoette calabrese. if you liked it please share it with your friends. to learn more and findout if homeopathy is a good fit in your health strategy visit joettecalabrese.comand schedule a free 15 minute conversation with joette.
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