a very good evening to youmy friends that await for me to see me and hearthe news of code athina today we will have a woman,ms. sotiria, who will say to us her experience, who she self-healed herbreasts, because she had some cysts. meanwhile i would like onceagain to send my greetings to all of greece andcyprus and to all greek people abroad who watchus from youtube.com, also in english and this issomething we are proud of and enjoy it, people watchinga greek tv show that
brings innovative news,from a woman that is not a psychologist or a doctorand even though she made the discovery of thecenturies as many call it before we speak with ms. sotiria, i wouldlike to say a few things about the code athina for those who see us for the firsttime, it's a bit trying but i have to say them because they don't know us, theydon't know this show, many people could just be changing channels and they see usnow, so i will have to say a few things so the last 10 years i ama painter and art work preservation and through thisart, which i wanted to do
since i was a child, idiscovered that a brain, a human being can give messagesabout itself and others so i managed to decipher the thoughtsof a human being at a success rate of 99.9% like no otherpsychologist or art historian ever did i have deciphered a lot of paintingsfrom artists like picasso, michael angelo, or even the portraitof hitler to see his psychology newspapers abroad like gnomi,provoles, etc. have wrote about me, including greeknewspapers too, i have been also presented by very knownpresenters like mikroutsikos,
aliberti, drymousis, moutsinas,zareifi, karavatou, etc. the fact that someone can draw somethingand learn some things from it, is beyond logic but is tough to manyuniversities in england and america, which i didn't knew, but for some of you thateither you or someone close to you have been to psychiatrist and have them drawsomething to see the psychological state after that some people have beenself-healed with the use of code athina because my code evolved without meknowing it or predict it, i understood that our bodies have the ability ofself-healing which when we motivate our brain, it gives the order toour body and does the self-heal
something else that i havediscovered is about the colors when a person comes to me, he/she sees blackcolor, after a while brown, dark green, dark blue, turquoise, ciel and that's whenhe/she has been self-healed, the ciel color shows that the water of his/her bodyhas been cleaned up and so the brain gives the order helping with the ancient cellsto heal it's body part that is harmed many doctors wonder why a person would developan illness after another, to different parts, at the moment that our bodies are ableto heal themselves, where does it get stuck? the unstuck of this process ofself-healing is what code athina does, people with 0 chances and have triedeverything with the classic medical
treatments here and abroad, with veryserious problems and not just one but a lot simultaneously, slowly startedto be self-healed and get cured some things were cured by20%, others by 50%, others by 80% and many times by 100%to all of their problems this doesn't depend on me,because i just guide them to be self-healed, it dependson if the brain has the energy to use these ancientcells that we said earlier in order to create new cellsand solve it's problems soon we will have on the line ms. sotiria, wejust wait for the control to give us the go
about ms. sotiria thathas cysts in her breast and she will tell us how she gotcured by doing self-healing i could also say that if anyonewant's to know more about me and my shows, he/she can go on www.athina-kotsoni.gror to www.gallery-athene.gr it's the same thing, also he/shecan see my shows on youtube.com by searching for code athina or athinakotsoni whatever you search for will do a lot of stuff will be listed there we have some time left so iwill say a few more things about what illnessescan be cured
by doing self-healing like rheumatism rheumatoid arthritis autism some non-curable illnesses trigeminal neuralgia it's possible forsomeone to lose weight someone might have high bloodpressure, might have cholesterol,
instability, serious headaches,psychological problems and i am really glad when psychiatrists orpsychologists come to visit me who in some cases they can't even solvetheir own problems sometimes they are so confused that theyneed someone else to help them this is not somethingwrong my friends some certainly lose the ball,where there is a lot of knowledge, as it is stated in thetestament, knowledge is power we might be losing the point,our balance in order to make the right decisions andthis leads us to dead-end
it's not wrong to seek helpfrom another alternative person, who might noteven know the subject but might have found a patent like i did andas we said someone from russia did too, with mental motivation and foreven serious non-curable diseases to beable to cure them. he is the second one that isheard at least on the internet, that he has managed todo what i have also a lot of people have passed from meto do self-healing for free, people that are unemployed, people that arein very serious family situations
ofcource someone must be put in thewaiting queue because there are so many people, totally free my friends imaginethat are self-healed around 50 people up until the last few months i washelping 30 and now there are 50 it's exhausting for me but i have to say thati want to contribute to this social work as much as i can -hello? we have a line? -good evening! -good evening! who are you? -i am ms. sotiria
-good evening ms. sotiria how are you? -i am fine ms. athina -i am glad! i would like you to tellme where have we met? how did we met? -my husband would hear yourshows on the tv and because he was excited by the idea ofalternative treatment, his sister first came to you fora serious issues that she
had with her breasts andfrom that point i came also -ok, so what was the problem that youwere having and for how many years? -so, i am now 53 years old and sincei was 31 i was having problems with cysts in my breasts, ihave done 4 procedures in total -you don't say? to both breasts or just one? -3 procedures to the onebreast and 1 on the other -so you were going through the whole process,mammography, booking a bed, afterwards the operation and after that all over again? youdid 4 different operations, or all together?
-no it was 4 different operations -at what time intervals? -in about 12 years -in 12 years, so it wasonce every 2 -3 years? -about so, the cystswould rekindle -in about 2 years? -yes -so you would go through thewhole process all over again -exactly, mammography again, doctorsagain, surgery again and all this process
-and this time how many cysts did you have? -so, they have told me a 1 yearand a half ago that i have done a mammography that cystshave rekindled, because i have read some articles i decidednot to do any more mammography any way, i didn't do it,but i have educated myself -yes, what have you read aboutmammography? tell us to know -i have read that the radiation that it emitsat a certain point on the breast, even if some woman won't have a reason to get sick,it's a matter of time only to get sick by this -and if there is something? whathappens next? it gets worse?
-if there is, it magnifies it, it's worsebecause it might move to the other breast and have a more serious conditionthat it was in the first place -so a year and half agothere were two more cysts -yes, the cysts have rekindled butthey might be four of them, because i have decided not to do the mammographybut i was able to touch the cysts -you could feel them, so therewere four of them in total? -three were certain, the last one iwas in pain but not able to feel it -and because i haveeducated myself -it might have been furtherinside, that's why
-obviously -and because you haveeducated yourself, yes? -and because i haveeducated myself on how to search my breast by touch,because of my history and all these that i have been through and icould feel them, i decided to come to you -that your husband saw me on tv -exactly and try the alternativetherapy with the self-healing -how did you trusted me, with thefact that i am not a doctor?
and i don't used medical treatments,or instruments but only the mental motivation, how did youdecided to do something like that? it's worth wondering -yes, it's worth wondering, even thoughi had so much contacts with surgeons i decided to do so, becauseall these years that i have studied, besideswhat has to do with the traditional methods oftreatments, because ok it's what can someoneunderstand, at a personal point of view and reading about the alternativetreatments and by believing, this is my
belief that the humanbeing can guide anyway his/her body but need somehelp because it isn't -not all people mightbe able to do it the know-how that's why i came to you andthe result was spectacular, this is something i wantto say to help other women -after how many sessionsms. sotiria were the cysts gone? -after 2 sessions -after 2 sessions startedto be less painful right?
-yes and i have come to youwith pain to both breasts -i remember -i couldn't wear mybra without acing -and in 2 sessions i didn't have anypain and i don't feel any cysts -now, now that you are onthe 4 or the 5 session? -now that i have done the 4thand i will come for the 5th -so now on the 4th, do they exist?can you feel any? -no, no -they are gone now?
-they are gone i say this knowingly to all the women thathear us that this was something that i didn'texpect either, that they could disappear so fast and it really worthit for someone to try it before any operation -and i think that it's smart for someoneto do simple things and if these fail, we should move on to do the worse,it's ok, no harm would come of this -exactly, the surgeons and thehospitals are always there -that's right, theydon't go anywhere
they wait for us -they wait for customers -exactly, i believe it's worth it,because i haven't seen improvement only in this, i have seen inmy body a general improvement, like euphoria, like movement, iwas having problems with the spastic colitis, which also hasdisappeared in a large amount and -the psychology? -yes, these crazy timesthat we are living in, it's
something that haunts you,i think that code athina is helping in general andit's something to hold on to and psychologically forsomeone that has problems -good, how is your weight? -my weight -there were too many -yes, there were too many,but my body has started to get thinner, i havea lot more work to do -yes, you didn't came for the weightloss but the whole packet how it
helped you body in a way for somethings to be taken care of in a few sessions, because from my experiencei know that it takes at least 12 for a person to see the ciel color, whatcolor did you saw lately? do you remember? -i have seen blackbut with light -black with light, yes -with light or gold -or gold yes so you are still very far from seeing theciel, but imagine how you will be when you will see the ciel color in youreyes, that in so few sessions, you have
seen such benefit, imagine the momentthat all 12 will be complete, where you will be and now we moved them further awayfrom each other, it's not every 8 days -no we see eachother every 15 days -every 15 days because the brain alreadywoke up and the body is walking towards theself-healing on it's own and solve it's problem, it's problems to bemore precise, because when someone comes to me, he/she would say i havethese 1-2 problems and then starts saying thati had this one that was
cured too, i had that one that was cured too,etc., small things that were annoying him/her -ofcource because if you acknowledgesomething even if it's a small one it's annoying for abody to work and move properly -meanwhile we changedyour eating habits -a lot -we changed them, we made them better -yes, because i hadn't beeneating fruits, vegetables for a long time, i would usuallyeat something fast and ready -like most of theemployees usually do
-who are running all daylong to be able to buy food and this food ismostly chips, chocolates, things like that, sweetsand afterwards they give money to the doctors,if you look it that way -yes, indeed and i havechanged my diet, i am glad that i eat fruits againafter all these years and i have them in my daily basis, vegetables,that i have stopped using salt, that i used to pour over every kind of food this issomething that has helped me also and i really thing that is worth, it'sthe second time i say
it, but i truly believeso, to anyone hearing this, it really worth it before he/she headsout to surgery or any other painful way -ofcource someone must think of analternative therapy in order to be able to skip the surgery but anyway justto try, if nothing good will come of this, he/she will be able to go to thenext step which is worse or better for him/herself, nobody really knows,anyway i really thank you ms. sotiria -thank you ms. athina, for thework you are doing with me -you are welcome,you are welcome -thank you also on behalf of my sister inlaw, that she is not in contact right now
-please tell us aboutyour sister in law -my sister in law -has came from the province -yes, she has come from the province, shewas diagnosed with tumor in her left breast, anyway she did puncture despitethe fact that my husband told her not to do any of these and come right away,when she removed it, the tumor she had and she was then in front of the difficultstuff, she decided to come to you -let me be clear with something, when she did a mammography, it was2 cm, because her sister called me
-exactly, 2 cm, yes -2 cm and she called me and i saidto her you would do these things and you will see it will getsmaller, indeed in 3 days, it was smaller and i told her that it'ssmaller if you would wait for some time, it will disappear, shedidn't waited though because her husband insisted on her doing theoperation, i told her that before doing so, go do a mammography oran ultrasound, to see the size of the tumor and finally she didn'tdo it and the result was that when the doctor opened her up hefound a lentil size tumor inside
-yes, exactly -the bean has gotten smaller -yes, because she might wanted it, but thepeople around her didn't and would react -yes, because someone might not believeand say what is she talking about -someone might think of it very little butthe point is exactly the self-healing -the self-healing, the pointis that what you have she had it too, it wasn't abig deal, it was a cysts, which cysts can disappear,it's not something serious, it's just for some doctorsthat may find it urgent
-yes, the point is that even though shecame from the province, she has done 3 sessions with you, now she will comeagain on sunday to do another 3 sessions -and she is better, meaning when sheleft after doing these three she was all better and now that she will come againshe will do another 3, may god help us -she is already refreshed -she is very refreshed, yes -exactly, i talk to her onthe phone and she had been feeling down very much andshe wasn't feeling very well -you saw that she was closed against otherpeople and her body in such an unbelievable
state, a body that doesn't communicate,from a woman that works, with work stress afterwards in the house other stuffto do, the children, this kind of stress that creates a knot to all of the bodyand it's starting to overdo or not do at all, this overdoing starts swollen theglands and create cysts or other stuff like bumps and the human being must relax andcalm down and change rhythm and do the self-healing on it's own, it's so simple,so simple, we get all hasty to remove it, cut it out, settle down people, let's dothis slowly, this can be done also but as our final option, if there isn't a simplesolution by the self-healing, ok the doctors are there, the operating rooms are there,i am not here to go against doctors
or to impose to some people, i say thatpeople i have discovered very simple this thing, does someone want to come, to tryit out, besides it won't take long, in about 2-4 months you can see results, inyour case it took 4 sessions, a month or so, you saw the result, so if you sit thereto the end, you will see the refreshment of your body, if this doesn't work outfor you, go do whatever you think from that moment on, because in every casethere is a solution, if we want to see it -yes, i will say it once more, the last thingi will say is for someone to try before he/she reaches the final option and theoperating room, to set his/her body in motion -that's it
we have stopped working becausewe try to do things that will be seen, fanfares to be exactand we have lost the meaning of living, which is simplicity,the simplicity that is to eat simple things, cooked in ourhomes, fruits, nice foods and to stress to have everything inorder, to be able to forestall everything, work and house, etc.,we have became tarzan-housewifes, yes totally, we have built musclesfrom the household and from running and the body is stuckand can't solve any problem -that's all, thank youvery much ms. sotiria
-thank you too, ms. athina -send greetings to your husband -thank you very much! -who is very smart perspicacious from a few words he understood somethings and as i have said before, i am not for everybody, i am for a few, iam for those who can understand me -exactly! -so good night thank youvery much for your call
-good night -i am waiting for you, thank you, bye bye! we thank ms. sotiria so much, who was very detailed, she is anextraordinary woman, i respect her and her husband, they are a wonderful couple,unique, he had a problem with his foot i rather not say his name andsomeone be able to figure out the persons and iremember when he came to me to do something to help him,because he was in a lot of pain the poor fellow, somuch, that she was holding his
hand, to support him, i wasreally impressed by that, that there are still thesekind of couples out there and even though they facea lot of problems, both health issues and financial,i believe that their love will guide them to a lot ofsuccess, because they are both so smart, just a littlebadluck for now, but don't forget that our lifeis a wheel that turns, earth turns round and so is ourlife, turns the upside down, nobody knows wherewill he/she be today, all
these that are in prisontoday, they didn't expected to be so, with so much money,with so many bouncers, with so many things, earthturns round for everyone. and the same is what i say to ms. sotiriaand her husband that, things will change for them and will get better, all it needsis optimism and love will be their weapon i want to thank her again, forthose of you who want to know more about me and my code you can go toyoutube.com and search for code athina and learn more on how you cando the self-healing without medical treatments, without any instruments,just by motivating the brain
my friends, i hope you learned somethings that will help you, or others, thank you so much for watching, thankyou so much for your trust, your love and the fact that you have madethis show popular, even though it's such a small channel, thank you verymuch for everything, good night
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