people are afraid of breast cancer...especially women. osteoporosis is the thing that is reallytaking away our quality of life. ....and it affects so many people they say, "oh i don't have osteoporosis....i fell on the ice." and i didn't break my hip...that's not....that's not the case! people who have osteoporosis actually fall because their hip broke...and you just never know if you don't get it tested. the testosterone early on can prevent it i think that people don't know they think of they're ovaries
as the factory and the testis as the factory of their hormones and then, you know, later in life, we realize that the adrenal glands come into play, but not very many peoplelook at their liver as like, "yeah..." that's my my factory for hormones but your liver has to get rid of the old hormones so that it doesn't build-up home and cause problems and it has to activate them to this kind that is going to bless your life and it hasa lot to do with whether or not it's a safe version and it converts it into useful forms that can bind
to receptors so your liver actually... is the gateway and it is part of the (hormone) factory it's so important for our yourhormones that i've started my book off with the liver! welcome back everyone! it's mike mutzel here with high intensity health radio. thank you so much for tuning in today! we're super excited to have you with us and today welive with doctor tami meraglia, md and she's the author of the hormonesecret--which is a new book and i'm going to tell you the the subtitle here's effortless weightloss and renewed energy
in just 30 days. so i've known doctordr. tami for 4 or 5 plus years and she spoke atsound function medicine- a great group in seattle washington and some other conferences and so forth. i met her there so...very excited to have you here doctor dr. tami! how are you today? oh... great...thank you so much for having me i'm very excited to lets just sayour listeners don't know that you're so interested in aesthetics and skin care... but now youreally wanna share with people kind of
how to rework their biology from theinside out so where did this motivation come from well really i had 3 three things. so i'm an md and... i'm board-certified cosmetic medicineand in naturopathic medicine and some people think that's an oddcombination but really when you look good you feel good, and when you feel good you look so i wanted to bean expert in both and i went and get the extra educationand you know that her monthly payments inthe third at my yet
to a wrenching yet me in seattle we do have a virtual medicalclinic for me see patients i s a and on all over it's not just onepatient and they're really think rain shortcut and very evident inc people came is to review their biology and my meditation was relieved three peoplewhen it and my mom i think patient every singleday i had an italian head and handed me
and i need a redshirt for me and for the nelson admit women into any he didn't brag how to get all thatinformation out there and get it doable you know we've allheard yes you should ranges meditating what everywhere and well indian at i can'tlend a treat with google it but they're nothappening henry then wed really make haitians theyjust kept saying i'm additional doctor and they were toldthey were earning
and i think transit four letter word andi don't want anyone your me no one you know neil is but evenmore grace than red didn't i well is next for her and getting a prescriptionsleeping program head ass and and he told me to have known as the first options now i'm not against traditionalprescription medication i know that antidepressant me lives well
at figure out why it is going on and you weeks and rebooting could actually get our vitality hack me and then meant third grade and then i did it itnow i think there's a lot of information andberwyn in health care but estrogen and progesterone and no detectyou that testosterone an estimate avery we're not she and weonly need a little bit that happen outcries role in how youlook yelled hand function and most i neverreally
upgrade at 10 starts to me don't youbeer had been you know become sandy get acne well my book is all about how to boostyour hormone redact and including testosteronewithout hearst we just using your own body beach and yeah everybody ingredients in doing agood job we just have to encourage it in heranyway no cast beautifully said and what's niceabout this is this is timeless and you've practiced this in in you helped alot of women
you know reboot their own or mountain itworked on yourself and see you talked about this in your book i one secretwhat's i was diving into the last couple daysand its excellent because you have a lot of your practical quizzes in there andinformation about hormones in i love i want to start of which isdoctor and i'm glad you mention it because you talk about the untold story oftestosterone and how it affects our brain and to clean women there thattheir brain and cognition answer first
but also bone so let's kind of talk butthis important story to sasha said bad that really sad heard thatthere are great double-blind placebo-controlled child which translation that fromdoctors eat a regular state is study that is andgraded 18 yes are you in testosterone head to headagainst of attacks which is was i'm reapers ihad you at first and adhesion orosteoporosis expect
and distributed just as well never tried it why in bed worst likeexpect haven't met of men crisis at the top you him there great it helps to remodel thewrong it helps stimulate bone girl and we don't want hard bounce back hack soit helps create resilient strong bone instead ithard brittle bones and do it action for bone health in thisis a really wonderful thing contender and then you can't bench friday todespair
estrogen even actually because they havebreast cancer and threatening hear things like that for i'm uterine cancer so testosterone can actually reallygreenback on quality of life but also treat andrenting out yet present your trading breastcancer specimen we of president and then his really taking rare holiday i mmm and it back so many people they all idon't have i a practice i
l imei and i didn't break my head that'snot many bjt people who have not yet rated actually i'll be husband their head and you just never know if you don't getit tested contest hasta i'm early and mmm cast beautifully saidthere and i think that's my mother's actuallygoing through this with with hip issues herself and has had to hit replaced in can start it was like oh just go in andgetting oil change now modern medicine is set it up but it's been a
really rough road and you talk aboutthat new book out you know somebody's in your patience for tell youi'm just not gonna fall but like you just said in people andweak bones and that's what causes and the fall and it's really debilitatingand the quality of life goes down but even more you talk about howtestosterone helps women with energy you want to talk about energy and looking good in having alittle bit of muscle it the anything is that it the energy youknow he will contest asking a libido for men and yes in little rockyour at you
mad and gonna rock your liking and itdoesn't that make getting you back your energy not only energy throughoutthe day but your calendar on capitol next day home read like a it gonna ex tax: meanything yet it back your muscle to at ratio whenhow'd increasing your just i or changing anything at allby listing in testosterone natural you aregoing to lose and your a day muscle and bad isn'tworking he doesn't know good who came here wedon't need matches we have
relating it naturally wet are almost lost her home is using me to you you will and function are axed and thenacross or sectors in everything we have testafter him receptions in our range and no it sureis depression and i think mild depression is and in energy and water that when you getpeople to feel better i'm getting to have more energyfantastic now you talk to a new book between agesi think about 20 to 40 there's
up to a 50 percent drop in thesehormones so to sasha i'm being one of them let's kind of tackle you talk a lotabout progesterone estrogen i the side mo you i guess maybe it'sjust a first because i think he said that's the one that tends to go down for singles out fast itdead it doesn't any you know your hormoneslike in any and all always be there any almostworked together in a brett as and it has just turned left outso much because it's really important
when you good anthony and violence and terrible awhole and any and terrible she said they dohave to work together and worst man-made he said that has thetendency to me is just your arm and rich internet peacefulpermanent incall valley in that a in our minds and men who may have between two andfour in the morning why are you awake the progesterone deficiency not meleading bell mediating their projects yeah i'm
and in the first formal i had it in myown lane didn't had our last more perch that its cash to be patient with me hasbeen patient with my children no not with them ps equal but make their clothes that were left on thefloor and world to me i kept it went like this:looking at myself and being hit act him can i got my progesteroneback and my other hormones balanced not usingprescription i would be able to hatch late in thegame and
i didn't do my best cell that'sfantastic that's going to dive into the specificsyou talk about your book and you have some wonderful quizzes on each of thesedifferent hormone so folks can check that out but but %uh dosing specifics any everyone's different i know you're finnatesting you talk about your testing protocols but any generalizations you can come to givewomen listening right now and progesterone
here progestin that availableover-the-counter that money went that really unlikelybecause you can actually just died and i all recommended you're not going to geta blood test you should all the directions martin bobby and k made sure that it day and be anything is just man is wanted a very you are onesthat is 8 to take i our sale you can actually get a perscription it hears known tohave no protest i'm yeah and natural gas tank doesn'tgive you great
enough home and it directly stimulate gather receptors more rain now they haveevery there's at the same receptors thatalcohol and opiate withdrawal sleeping hell are also directly receptors did thethings that are so and they're really great smock we both think they have a host aterrible side effects absolutely now what if you found to be moreeffective for the waking up so the ladies that
missus real common question that i getonline and when i'm work with doctors is what do you do forpatients make the wake up at two in the morning and we just talked aboutprogesterone but what have you found as a clinician to bemore effective to get rid of that sent 'em that were or the top cop gesture wellthere's two parts to that great and very best form if the when the patient will use he didn't tell i can pay know if the aural and in fact
and a slowing pole dancing they only dothat hello it the present at the time in thatperson's situation in topical in betar you but in perfectfor all the hell or had that little bit extrabrain activity on i'll all firstly no or livers and the adjuster not available over thecounter so you only starter the top yeah it helps and then just find adoctor and practices functional medicine are alesson you happy at harvard medical clinic and will takecare image think somebody that i think
outside the box mom that's great now let's go talk abouttesting before we dive into a surgeon are you afan of the 24-hour your inner whole blood or blood spot what do yourecommend you know i think that bled and ok andand good place to start and it's not gonna show you everythingbut you know what your health insurance will probably pay for it don't make that works apple for morepeople to get started that for my patient i wanna know whatyour body is dealing with problems
every hormone become another ramon and nevermind yessir metabolites she andwant to know what you meant have a light has momentarily are not and me arelinked increased breast cancer and the best crazy test be and tabulated the end okay well act lyke i reminded me a urine test have a worried that maybe he that bloodtest could have under another good reason and i don't worry legally no
wet niche true true ended intel i like to see at least when urine test and let another option it merely i found like it to be not paid for byhealth insurance and i really try and work with my patients so that they can you last editionalameda in and naturopathic medicine and he needsme and that and did you get bored very much yesbatman & guilty i and you yeah now that's great i'llgive people options but i it sounds to
me like the $20 for your is committedmuch accurate so fantastic information there right nowlet's go to tackle estrogen and you talk about your book that women when they go from perry menopauseto menopause cognitive decline tends to change a little bit you and i'm intothat yes and remember many handed down adefining yes 12 consecutive months they hadperiod a deal it's really been ten or fifteen yearsaround it that you feel like a you're crazy or you don't feel likestyle
not and happy in your and my any alreadyhave to do in our brain she and there's a great study that wenti'm nuns in there home admission what anddementia levels in the nuns that had higherestrogen models whilst it is deeply significantly lower man and nines that had lower estrogenmiles left dementia wet cotton and hiddenbehind why it and then study them in well andy eaten same day me taking the exit
and that they might mean it then andpainting group of people tete-a-tete there are very youvariability intestine is really important and there's an early stagethat year you can restore estrogen in people would really did mention theirinternet man it interestingly ostrander same mmm especially in 10 ray treatment also implemented atreatment or early dementia great information solet's talk about this treatment and in your book you talk about detox stressreduction and
dudes that balance your for months iguess it's kinda go down the detox rugs i think that's that proceed so many other componentswhy should we detox and what are your best judges to help increasedetoxification people don't realize you know they thinkthey're over it at the factory to and it s itand and bad the factory and there are no then youknow later and let me be alive it the adrenal glands planted quite but not very many people look at theirdeliverance like yeah have that my
my after eight your hormones but you'renever have to get ready and that old barn onsat build-up home outreach nasdaq: today into this try it netbook last yearright eighty and it has a lot to do withwhether or not it's 8 vision and action group it indy useful that can be used in a recessionreceptors so your hashimi is the gateway and it harder than actor is no importantfor our
your hormones that i started my cockwith the letter and i didn't want people doing all thethings to do with their hormones and then you know older moms that are all wornout in all not doing any good are stuck in theliver so in traditional medicine we don't talkabout with her ingestion we don't talk about over function your you have perfectlyfunctioning liver or you have yes arrested
or hepatitis read something that he didnothing in between xo mpls kuelen her definite yet traditional medicine yourgroup you're good and how you're not you hey i baby at ltd is did not be columnist it just means you're not sickin her letter have to know getting weaker reading it but i'm askineverything meet rainin everything in our ironmen all her should just it is overloaded and
cleaning it out is just essential s have to go through that gateway foranything to happen including me asks anyway %uh program it you do a liver cleanse first you'regonna be more successful eat extent went back and if they don'tworry it's blake all clarity that can't get out as well data to me we've had jeffrey fine onbefore and he's a gastroenterologist in that chief at irving surgical medical center
in texas and he is a huge liver guy andthis is what he sees but he sees a lot of patience in his includeclaim to come in with a lot of liver congestion and elevatedliver enzymes and fatty liver and nash its efforts so what do you recommend i mean i'm sad iit's really important maybe you could talk about you know some other natural herbs andbotanicals and supplements we can take but where do we start to make sure that maybe just maintain the for health andthen for someone that really wants
optimizer hormones to take it to that that nextlevel what we do you know you don't mind if you really want to go or any and the liver cleanse back honorsthat there's phase 1 and phase 10 it kinda scary and well with all that i have going on ireally didn't wanna make liver cleanse well i think that theirnah i'll just find a good one but the more i researched and wherewe're at. i iraqis lord menzies helps people getthrough
a spring which is that taking part intalking often in a temporary and were in danger where they had a big deal theconjugation where you think back together and excreted from the body know you need to grind had liver cleansethat 100 and helps your body through aland-based in a statement holds you that you knowyou we batt after i am heartened by her andin 10 days unless mmm now i sure
at in %uh i maybe maybe you do that all high and that of goldfish but shorter the more worried i and that you're gonnabe smoking just decades when so few weeks or longer is really read it wayne t where the majority at popular an elaborate plan should have anutritional components and at home and come to an end and an educational and that about howyour ft away inaccurate than a traditional right andsure enough liver cleanse you should
rest your later from the kids there processed in the right now that arereally i all on beach workers and their when it's better now are you maintenance user of great wall their process through theletter said you ain't and you my jewelry tohave to do anything that it doesn't have to okay they should be given a lead think thatyou should avoid it netted
hey it's and though people can't do 10soliz at 3i hounds it should be an egyptian armeddragon what he should or i'm i age there alsoshould be an ingredient in either thirteeners supplementary i'llthey're both gonna wholehearted added your number and herex ante to 8 hand ever gonna really it and and you'll ever the next being inserted acombination between up min slashing medicare and and food and that green maybe and uses
your letter wall an alkaline and my and met it may be home or aesthetic atme sure make this has been a happy nickthis is an extract make this in a nj makes me think we should make thatish we need to be baby here felt in analkaline environment and you couldn't get better way to do itand drinking changes beads its well that tell me business now okay you might not need or want to do rangesanchor
every day right but for that it met and and you're an idiot ranges cancer cells there's a nobel made whenthat shit cancer cells yes you're right in analkaline environment at all any opportunity that you have tomake your body more are colin is going to be a win-win fromthat's fantastic and i wonder how it got a little bittiananmen accrued a paper she's also washington native as well to tellme i'm sure you feel like she talks the roll up the alkyl environment anddetoxification and i think
this is something we can to forget youknow you mention all that different ways we can increase phase 1phase to do with the tentacles in herbs and things like lacy may be close eye oninch nec which is fantastic but i think letpeople forget about the acid-base balance and why we really need now competes to detoxify so that's wherethey're green smoothies inch that suppose come in which is awesome alet's cannot talk about now you're an expert in this field when itcomes to cosmetics inch skin cleaning and
you know different chemicals that peoplefrom their body every day and they don't know that it's affecting their liver and all sorts ofyou know and consistent what are some nasty compounds that we should've waythey could be toxic to the liver and skin else are literate gonna make your skin glowat the first thing ever remember your gramma an adult would respond and and that you're never have elected enough it
lot extending a letter but there isn't abigger culprit in a woman's life and her hair and skin care products andmake at that small our liver every single day and so i had you know eventually toplanet money cosmetic non-surgical and one isnaturopathic medicine and the first thing i do when people saywell you know i don't harm my hormones but i don't see where all that i may havebeen let me make it into your skin care we turn around a bottle or whatever itand and it started
lot that have been greedy and areusually all pretty good and the active ingredient that broughtinto this world their names are still hurting his cellat and the biggest hormone disruptor are harriman's peoplehere in beautiful your opinion paar be et and it's not her and that's not a wax and in prisonerdidn't hurt that this preservative is to allow all product and michelle longer mad and its its debt to increaseprofitability it doesn't need to be there
act all even it's what we call island you know estrogen it acts likebad estrogen in your body and all estrogen receptors now you know that lol i just under myskin it bitmap getting in one and i'm we have at home net the year i'll teenagers handing he met an apt an errand study by theenvironmental working group and now i nice love medicine advantech blood inurine and managed
checker toxin the average person head ninety that and toxins in there anger and to and ninety 8 present the people testing had and i had and it handle it was over 400 happens that they couldidentify and everything anything is your baby to adult missing right he said yes so many thingsthat you don't have a choice at noon
don't have it with big plays 10 youdon't have been straightened tired retired s when you're furniturebut there are a lot of things you do youhappen to reset into your skin care just needs to be re at his here and now everybody is whydo i have to do we're getting well organic is an interesting and the true definition at her atknifepoint respected i had art market so that itnow expects at all but organic usually means that itdoesn't have halsted
i and things like that and a nascentwhen starting me what i have known that allotted aorganic in care is great for maintaining but my and medicaid patients who are over theagent already implanted intact she loses s in its notgoing around i not improving at fine lines it's notpretty ignorant nest or their ankles are taking their yen isthat how you lead early may eikenberry first reasons now then moon i am here and the packaging a at homemedic
gray organic in her mind from a companyin belgium awesome it will be at my all that's fantastic what's in a move thatso folks if you do now argue i tell folks can outwhere they can look after that know we are going to do to mind when andthat you can't mean already and skincare writing any anyoneit called and i'm k in hair and insisting her landbridge cool mmm 10-10-10 don't know what didn't you
the random girls are starting to get andpolluting then who once did just at their moms butgenerally speaking look back getting to the bottom in 10 you know youcan't pronounce that night in your whom he that's that's reallygoing to miss their data to me and i wanna highlander personal straight my wife wasmy daughter has really curly hair like crazy curls and get all tangled up soshe bought this children's detangler and it smelledgraydon we just at this was can be healthy singin' i'mlike 10 and you ready
and she's a character she's in a faxmessage that now it said it's natural to i read the back and it's loaded withparents and alex so go to class a label that says itsnatural are naked natural correct mercury hmm mac yeah well we have a name i had agreat really here and press trading expect when he netted you our main conditioner that didn't have atplan and jump in at midnight no all which britain has not been sdedicated you know and they're gonna be sohomegirl you know confused girl candy is
and so it is hard and that's why i'mreally grateful were sites like the environmentalworking group who then i mean i have a link to rightmarket kids and organic well got really and they've done all theresearch oreo so many resources and had looted a studyin was doing some blogs on this at this weekend so the public libraryscience recently published study the show that early menopause was linkedwith high blood levels these persistent organic pollutantsimpairments was one tallied for another
and they looked at the flame retardantsand that was did you know back category salads bourbons flame returnswhere the highest and in the bloodstream up individualswomen that had earlier menopause and this was an average of four yearsearlier so i xij that you talk about this in yourbook and giving people practical solutions to detox it with thesecompounds in like he said i mean we can control a lotof things you know from what we put on our skinbut there's other things we can control so let's focus on what we canand choosing more natural products
much let's go and talk about now someother stress reduction strategy talk about visualization and belly preening we know that calming downthat synthetic you know para ver nervous system isreally great for bouncing carmen so what are some top judges that you have forfolks for balancing that i think the first thing i realized thatthere are three parts to instructed me like station that you meeting abstract and relaxation you knowhere in front of here television or i'm gonna be alright
hey computer and you're not doing workyou thinking that is relaxation have a lactation pageant not addingextra stress you so there's rat their not adding extra stress and then there'sthis thing called turning i'm relax asians you're not catching up todo something to turn to react we just didn't like itand now i can reply you had to do something for my momacting that relaxing but that's when reasons why breeding is our wonderful there's a nerd hold thephrenic nerve and year
investigations honestly govern byparasympathetic nervous system and apparatus me like asian rejuvenation healingdigestion nor is it an that a nevers is dan and i right are raise and were in that we're in traffic deadlinegorbachev you know her in that way he matched weneed to turn on a parasympathetic nervous system and thatphrenic nerve attached to the bottom your diaphragm that anytime you takethat very day
slow bellamy perhaps so that your we extend your literally turning onlineyes frank turner and turning on time your relaxationresponse segmentation ca it by i no i can't i had today and didn't youknow it you don't have time creating i attended a we have to have a whole lotare she it but it's just too hard p breath inthe morning tourney retract where your meals and herthree friends that night any completely change in
hey blvd and then change your chemistry cash that's amazing so i know ourlisteners are prey kind one anyway the phrenic nerve ablenerve cuz we talked about big on urban heartmath before joining kinda explain how that works a little bit inthe differences well i hope our heart nap you and the market thing that can affectyour heart rate and your ride artery is very involved in that youknow when we have enough of at all to me had an irregular rapid heart rate me
miss foster prodded artery and thatwhile stimulating as and calm it all down and but they're people who have a surgery called asimpact and next to need be the having years in attic nervous it and are have eaten search for it thatdisrupt all in the nurse the lens there that intact like hesaid are and i marinated they deserve it reallyattached your heart and that's what hurt mapper is veryheavy in get your b2b variability now i just haveto ask just let it but it turned out
and variability i'll much yes and how even at its each has a lot to do withwhere you are you hackers and nearest 10 or not and some people call it then played star united by the different culturesthat call it different think basically what we're doing it planted finallycatching up thnx 100 and you didn't then you andmediterranean crepe beautifully said there and i likehow you differentiated relax asian here with active you knowcalming and surfers so it's really
i think a lot of people just the no tonow with a tv last one answer for them they don'twant to actively participate but it's just like if you want nice-lookingyour skin or you want money in the bank yet to go towork issue 1 st tf two floss and brush yourteeth and if you wanna calm down about your hormones that'd actively do that and soscheduling time so have you found that you know what's theright amount of time is it let you mention 23 press before eatingbefore we do major activities or two
people blackout ten-minute scheduleslike in an ideal world what would you suggestto folks okay the left of it start at the top and thenwhat good ideally stay import 20 minutes twice aday at at meditation or turning off on relaxation and i'll letyou know that it happened for me very happy ahead you yellow the neck down and you know a 10-minuteright today
dead at twenty minutes i today and wetwet i am trying to get my page in studio is to really go for once the day andagain to schedule it the head we often quit are well our whole at the bottom that the you let me doanything better how important inc we have time andenergy after entry ticket everything that's importantin our lives yet an appointment and we need to make an appointment this is mikeberry a threat to their track i
is good but not great at meditate andlook at it when you have that would be aware that i yea at getting and and you know 10minutes later than dec overcome that he had get to it and the day and the next day it happenedagain okay you know and and a hit and we can i have to start all over and get backhello kitty talking get back on it but wet i had and is mediated yell on me
ourselves like a reminder and i and didnot state net it b-eighteen healthy and vibrant sent you in he your children's wedding graduation and your grandchildren okay no data well that is powerful thank you my now anytime captain dual a bit emotionalhomework to i know what your church real values arelike what you
being wired networking why a review what next you we need your soul same and you against your now you thinkyou'll be way because you know i don't work and i'll delegate for a positive outcome renderedtrue value don't use of it to do left your cell phone why this mmm cast beautifully said i love that hisrevised budget a man that is fantastic so let me see it's a house to look at yourphone that with that has like
thats repeating appointment that hits ata certain time every single day and no matter what your gonna me to play means that what i'm hearingyen if and like this payment we're trying toschedule it and i don't want that point you i would maybe you are pregnant arrest someoneelse lol i mean criminal cash i love that beautifully set so beforewe'd get to the final two questions is there anything that we didn't cover
regarding your booking hormone balancingthat you'd like to talk about anything yet then there's a lot of her mom fucked up therei think the big difference it is that it's great information thatled to the great information it hijacks it's the shortcuts it that i can't do this when i and every person that running aroundchanting jobs in traffic and you can do that in action how you know is loaded with quizzeslotta science but its practical
and i really enjoyed your book readingand he did a fantastic day yeah so that you can find yeah absolutely spry more fun that now isdone and you can share the message with the world you know it's gonna begratifying so i'm alright at it every so couple finalquestions here that we as every guest on the show at the news one urban eatery orbotanical let's say you're going on a trip and you can only take one thing why would that be and why i have anintricate would be
north any would not be by andy eventhough i'm so important yes we can get it from thepenetrating yelled that we're here at un nd in the makar mmm market amy adriano canister and it helpshormone production all hormones but particularlytestosterone and general energy and most a chanceheard medicinal urban and yes i did not get and you can take it as a more powderingyour water them that's what i would take yeah mmm-hmmfantastic
annika because of past guest on the showand she said ma couldn't sell and yeah okay yeah our great read by longer my yeah that'sawesome okay fantastic so the final questionhere to entertain me if you to rub shoulders with brock obama or future president in an elevator andthey turn to you and said tu que me as an integrative healthcare experts whatwould have helped tipper lifestyle shaji should i know that i canhow to improve the lives of other americans and share with them wellwith the health or
lesser shaji be and why you be tuningone hit your i information it is not however a on me and it heldyourself what to do now in in the future where it mattersunderwear and in an intention about your it would beone thing beckoning you sneak the most anythinganti-aging yet but you can get your cell it at least an hour since the fantasticso let's talk about where listeners canlearn more about you your book and connect with you are mine and theyspeak with his tail
doctor tammy that time the er he isn't ano and mining i'm yes and videos andquizzes and great information they're so for those of you that are driving were you know walking a dog read the gym orwhat have you had posted on alicia noted high-intensity healthcare com slash drtim e so there are links to her website thanksto our booking on amazon and knock and otherinformation cell thank you so much for being here doctor tamil learned a lotand i'm gonna go do that guilt health tip right now and make surethat okay outta my head
my heart math in the morning and soforth so really appreciate you coming on well you know it accountability is alsothe back and i think i'm gonna go one step further by i'm gonna ask you to email me what yourmessage to yourself it's i would do that hello great granting thanks you can tell yeah absolutely takecare thanks for having me my pleasure %uh i'm
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